Early Bird

IMG_665596104309003I am a morning person and always have been. I get up every morning at 6 AM to walk and start my day. The walk helps get me focused and energized for the day to cone. Listening to my favorite music (Neil Diamond) and feeling the cool breeze (in the summer 6AM May be the only cool air) I look around me at the fresh start of the world and realize that today is different than yesterday. Whatever happened yesterday, be it bad or good, is over and today starts anew .

I know some of you are thinking “I am not a morning person, how does this apply to me?” Lois is a night owl so I completely understand that some people don’t feel 9:30-10:00 is an appropriate bed time. I do believe the day is easier if you can take some time in the morning to focus yourself for your day. This may not mean getting up at six, maybe eight gives you time to focus before you head out at ten. Give yourself an hour to focus on yourself and the day at hand. The rest of the day will be busy, don’t you deserve a minute of peace and inspiration?

By the time you start on work you will have your mind focused, thought all of your extraneous thoughts, and be ready for your first task of the day; hopefully you have that set as prospecting. Grab your fresh start daily and see how much more a focused mind can accomplish.

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