Gotta Go Back to School Again…

When my kids were little they loved the movie Grease 2. I am not sure why they preferred the sequel to the original, but they did and they knew all the words to all the songs. The first song was “Back To School” all about high school students NOT wanting to go back to school. Little kids love going back to school, they cannot wait to learn new things. All of my Grandkids were chomping at the bit to get to school. So what changes as we get older?


As we get older it is not that we want to stop learning, but that the way information is presented to us is more mundane, something we may not be interested in, and let’s be honest more difficult material. Being a teacher myself I know how important it is to present material in exciting ways that keeps new agents alert and engaged. I also think we get stuck in our ways and learning new things challenges the status quo in ways that are difficult to us.

IMG_457540973358080Real Estate is ever changing. The good news is that through classes offered by your broker when they roll out a new program or by taking a class to earn a new certification you always have a way to learn new points of view and  that can enhance business. Technology is another area where new classes can improve knowledge and thereby business. Courses offered by your broker may be met with drudgery but are good opportunities to expand knowledge about your craft.

IMG_459352900207445When it is time for these classes will you be the young child eagerly awaiting class or the older student dragging your feet? When you consider all it cab do to help your business the smart thing is to embrace it.

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